April 16, 2008 News and Trends
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:38:13 PDT
Oh, reader! There are a million things that I've been dying to tell you. Here are 5. 5. This blog has changed. If you haven't noticed, several entries have been removed. "Why?" you ask? Well, because this January, the aspiring Dr. Lyons began precepting at Princeton. And while I simply adore my students, I thought it would be prudent to excise those entries that delved too deeply into my personal relationships and erotic politics. Quiet as it's kept, that's actually my favorite 1/3 of the blog
Real People Don't Have Time for Social Media
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:39:51 PDT
Let's be honest here: we're all a bunch of social media addicts. We're junkies. Whether it's a new Twitter app, a new Facebook feature, or a new social anything service, we're all over it. But we may not be the norm. The truth is, being involved in social media takes time, something that most people don't have a lot of. So how can regular folk get involved with social media? And how much time does it really take? The Time It Takes To Be Involved It was this post on a blog called Museum 2.0 th
Hello Everyone
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:46:39 PDT
Hello Everyone by BakeAholic Today 02:46 PM 2,889 12,010 Jump To Amazon Support the ChefTalk.com Forums with your regular Amazon.com purchases -- ChefTalk.com receives a commission on every sale generated through this link. Amazon.com is great way to help out ChefTalk.com. Thank you. - - - Announcements Find out the latest news about ChefTalk.com here. (This is a read only forum) Photo gallery down for a bit by Nicko 04-05-2008 05:43 AM 56 58 Recent Blog En
DEC money coming our way
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:47:11 PDT
DEC money coming our way April 16 From our colleagues who cover state government in Albany comes the following: Gannett News Service ALBANY_ The state Department of Economic Conservation Wednesday released $825,000 in grant funding to conservation-minded land trusts. Fifty-two grants were awarded to 40 local and regional land-trust organizations to spur conservation and smart development across New York State, according to the Land Trust Alliance, a private group that works with the stat
The Decline and Fall of Tech on Digg
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 15:12:22 PDT
If you're a fan of digg, you've probably been noticing that tech stories are becoming less and less a feature of the social news site. The reason? Digg is attempting to attract a large mainstream user base. Just how low has tech sunk in digg? We have new data that shows that the number of frontpage tech stories is halving every year on digg. We last wrote about this trend in February, along with Center Networks. The most interesting stats though came from Richard Cunningham, who used the digg
Challenges of the Grand Coalition Part 1(guest post)
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 15:13:54 PDT
Challenges of the Grand Coalition Part 1(guest post) Posted by Ory Okolloh in Uncategorized BY ONYANGO OLOO 1.0. Challenge # 1: Credibility The Grand Coalition is slowly rousing to its feet amidst widespread cynicism, bewilderment, anger and disappointment. The fact that almost half of the 220 member Kenya National Assembly will be in government is astounding, especially if one takes into account the high falutin’ earnest pledges by the three leading presidential candidates in the 2007 e
Tablet PC MVPs Are in Town
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 15:19:15 PDT
Baseball season’s barely underway, so we don’t know the MVPs yet. But I’ve been lucky enough to meet with many of the Tablet PC MVPs this week. Flying in from all around the world, these folks are the cutting-edge when it comes to what’s happening around tablet and touch computing. They’re giving up a week’s worth of their time to come to Redmond and engage the product team members in discussions about customers, trends, and where we can improve Microsoft. They are focused on all segments: c
How to Buy The Archies on CD
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 15:22:10 PDT
by KC Carlson After the mention of Archies music in the post about Archie getting drafted, I thought I’d offer a quick little guide to your best bets, just in case anybody wants to track down more of The Archies music on CD, as it is a musical minefield out there. Absolutely the Best of The Archies Buy this CD The Archies’ hits on CD have been anthologized to death (over 20 different “greatest hits” CDs over the years), and there’s a a whole lot you should avoid due to their inferior quality
Lost Cities of the Future
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 15:27:59 PDT
Urban civilizations continue to evolve and history is testimony that great civilizations have crumbled either due to onslaught of natural disasters or gradual shift in economic trends. Environmental Graffiti takes a look at 5 such cities in the United States that may be endangered. Like before, climate change and changing economies continue to influence the state of our cities.
links for 2008-04-16
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 15:34:55 PDT
LensWork Podcasts Some great podcasts. I really dig lens work. (tags: podcast photography) Jury Convicts Former Newark Mayor of Fraud - New York Times Haha! Finally got the bastard! (tags: politics law) Matsuo Basho Quotes Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought. (tags: haiku) Cellphones - Third World and Developing Nations - Poverty - Technology - New York Times He’s also sometimes referred to as a “user anthropologist.” To an outsider, the job ca
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